Living Happily Ever After


And Then It Happened

Less than two weeks after we moved in to our Utah home, it happened.

My three year old took the training wheels off his little bike with the help of his oldest brother. In the midst of my cleaning and unpacking, I happened to look out the front window just as my oldest, running beside my youngest on his bike, let go. Away he rode down the street!

Three years old and riding his bike without training wheels at his own insistence.

I was so thankful that milestone had occurred when I was home to see it. I was thankful that for whatever reason, that special event had taken place in the evening AND while I just happened to be standing in front of the window. I ran out of the house, clapping my hands and exulting in his bravery and success. He turned around, rode back, and came to a stop in front of the house to celebrate with us. He didn’t even crash.

As I watched my son, I realized I needed to be like him. I was alone now and I had to be willing to ride on my own. I had to bravely push off in my new adventure. I had to keep pedaling. And I knew if I did, I would experience an unforgettable ride!

We each have to have the courage to ride our own bike. We have to take off the training wheels of whatever is holding us back. And we have to keep pedaling.

It was my first memory in the new house. (I still couldn’t call it my home.) But I’d been told a house becomes a home when you make memories there. We were on our way!

WHAT a ride.

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